Friday 1 February 2013

Ideas for plots

Today I discussed with my focus group possible ideas for my film opening. We came up with a few breif ideas such as;
  • A girl goes to a new school and meets a boy. They fall in love instantly. The popular girl fancies the boy and decides to make the new girl's life hell.
  • The girl is the protagonist and she has a flashback. She does a prologue over the whilst the flash back is happening. The flashback is- two best friends, boy and girl, growing up. Shows about 3 stages of there lifes' such as little child, preteen and teenager. She mentions in the prologue that she always liked him but he only liked her as a bestfriend
  • Shows the males life before meeting the girl, 1:30 minutes. Shows the females life before they meet, 1:30 minutes. They meet in an obscure way.

So far, this is the plots we have come up with. We will decide on one plot and then expand on that.

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